Express yourself at the harp
Explore beautiful harp sheet music that is carefully crafted with teachable moments and thoughtful expression.
Changing Seasons Autumn Harp Solos
Moments in Time, harp solo
This early intermediate harp solo fits beautifully in the hands and provides opportunities to develop your dotted quarter note counting. The left hand will be making use of 1-3-5-8 patterns in a variety of rhythms. Feel the lyrical melody with phrases that breathe expressively.
Hand in Hand, harp
Changing Seasons, piano solo
CHANGING SEASONS is a thoughtful and soulful piano solo that will gently challenge the early intermediate pianist. Carefully crafted to feel comfortable in the hands, you will use left hand 1-5-8-9-10 patterns and alternating hand coordination to create a beautiful, flowing texture. Sparkling descending scale passages add an impressive build of emotion.