'Tis the Season for Christmas Music
Have you started playing Christmas music? Maybe you have a festive gig coming up or you are planning to play in church. Maybe you just want to have a few songs that you can play well for family and friends.
I have a beautiful selection of Christmas carols arranged for harp at a variety of levels. You'll even find a few special arrangements that work well on a small harp.
Sit back with a hot apple cider and enjoy!
Bring a Torch & Good Christian Men Rejoice
This is mid-intermediate arrangement requires some nimble fingerwork, but it's lots of fun to play! Play on as few as 19 strings, a small double strung or your full-sized harp.
Carol of the Bells
Nothings says Christmas like "Carol of the Bells". In this early intermediate harp arrangement you will see easy lever changes and scale passages that require nimble cross-unders.
Christmas Angels
A medley of three traditional Christmas carols: Angels We Have Heard on High, Angels From the Realms of Glory and Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. It has been cleverly arranged for elementary harp and may be played on 26+ strings.
Christmas Medley Harp Trio
Enjoy this Christmas harp trio that blends Coventry Carol, We Three Kings and We Wish You a Merry Christmas into an attractive arrangement for the holidays.
2 Easy Christmas Duets
2 Easy Harp Duets, including HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING and GOOD KING WENCESLAS. These duets are playable on small harps (26 strings). Great for elementary players as fingering and bracket suggestions are included in the score.
3 Easy Christmas Carols
These three beginner CHRISTMAS CAROLS will be just right for playing and sharing this Christmas.
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen & Sing We Now of Christmas
This Christmas solo captures the strength of GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN along with the sweetness of SING WE NOW OF CHRISTMAS. Fingerings and brackets are clearly indicated in the sheet music for the mid-intermediate level player.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Early Intermediate players will enjoy this cozy arrangement of the Christmas classic, “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”. You will need to be comfortable with 1-5-8-9-10 patterns and simple rolled triads.
I Saw Three Ships & The Sussex Carol
This cheerful harp solo combines two Christmas favorites, I SAW THREE SHIPS and the SUSSEX CAROL. Fingering and brackets are clearly marked to help mid-intermediate players navigate the nimble 6/8 meter.
I Wonder as I Wander
This ethereal harp solo features the expressive A minor melody singing beautifully over gentle left hand patterns. Crafted to fall naturally into the hands, the focus will be on expression and artistry, which places this piece at a mid-intermediate level.
In the Bleak Midwinter & The First Noel
This beautiful arrangement of IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER and THE FIRST NOEL will make you feel successful right away. Aimed at early intermediate players, the patterns and hand coordination are very comfortable, yet the expressive artistry of these two beautiful carols shines through.
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR is an early intermediate sheet music arrangement for lever harp. The broken triad patterns are easy to play, but they sound so beautiful and flowing. Your friends and family will love hearing you play this classic Christmas carol.
Kesh the Halls
KESH THE HALLS combines The Kesh (Irish jig) with the traditional Christmas carol Deck the Halls in a delightfully energetic late intermediate arrangement.
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent & St. Basil's Hymn
This elementary harp arrangement combines two beautiful, though lesser known Christmas carols. LET ALL MORTAL FLESH KEEP SILENCE (also known as PICARDY) is a traditional French melody. ST. BASIL'S HYMN is a traditional Greek carol, often sung at New Year's. Together, they create a hauntingly beautiful set for the Christmas season.
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
O COME, O COME EMMANUEL (Veni Veni Emmanuel) is a beautiful Christmas or Advent hymn. Arranged for late intermediate lever harp, this majestic solo features flowing arpeggios to highlight the full range of the harp.
O Holy Night
O HOLY NIGHT is a favorite Christmas carol that you will love having in your seasonal harp repertoire. Carefully arranged to feel comfortable in the hands, you will have just two lever changes along with fingering and bracket support.
Still Still Still & Away in a Manger
This dreamy Christmas solo blends two beautiful, traditional Christmas carols into an arrangement that early intermediate harp players will love to learn. Enjoy STILL STILL STILL and AWAY IN A MANGER, tailored to feel comfortable in the hands with all fingering and brackets included in the score.
Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
A haunting melody has been beautifully arranged for mid-intermediate harp. Also known as the Huron Carol, this is a wintertime favorite.
We Three Kings
This late intermediate arrangement creates a wonderful sense of mystery with a time signature that shifts from 5/8 to 6/8. Listen for reference to the CHRIST CHILD LULLABY, a traditional Scottish carol, which requires a simple lever change to transition into the Mixolydian mode.
What Child Is This
"What Child Is This" is a beautiful traditional Christmas carol based on the old English folk song, Greensleeves. This mid-intermediate arrangement creates a grand character and highlights the full range of the harp.
Merry Christmas everyone!