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Labyrinth & Shenandoah, double strung harp

Labyrinth & Shenandoah, double strung harp

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Enjoy two early intermediate solos for double strung harp 19x2 or larger. Crafted to fit the hands beautifully for effortless double strung learning. 

LABYRINTH is an original composition in A minor. The hands steadily weave to create a mesmerizing maze of sound. Many of the video clips are from a visit to The Tangled Garden in Grand Pré, Nova Scotia.

SHENANDOAH is a beautiful traditional melody full of expression and longing. In this early intermediate arrangement, the hands weave effortlessly to create a steady flow of movement. This piece uses the entire range of my little 19x2 double strung harp.

In this video you are seeing and hearing my Waring cardboard harp 19x2. I made a special request to have bass F as the lowest string. You'll hear several instances of the bass F in both solos. If your small double strung doesn't include the bass F, simply move those left hand patterns up an octave.

Length: 2 solos, each 2 pages
Format: PDF (instant download by email)
Key: C Major and A Minor
Level: Early Intermediate Double Strung Harp
Terms of Use: Single User License (see below)

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