Over the Rainbow
"Over the Rainbow' as sung by Judy Garland in the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz is one of those timeless classics that is wonderful to have in your repertoire.
I have fond memories of listening to The Wizard of Oz album on my Mickey Mouse record player as a child.
I set out to create an arrangement that would fit the hands beautifully, capture the expression and artistry and incorporate just a few of my own personal twists.
This large harp arrangement is in G Major and has one C sharp lever change. The expressive melody is supported with beautifully flowing left hand patterns, crossing hand arpeggios and a glissando.
I think you're going to love playing this mid-intermediate arrangement!
If you would like to view or purchase the sheet music, it is available on Sheet Music Plus or Sheet Music Direct.
I'm happy to announce that I also have an Intermediate Video Course to help you learn this song. Would you find step-by-step guidance helpful in your practice? This course is designed to help you build a solid foundation so your artistry is free to shine. Learn more at my Podia website.
I hope you enjoy the new arrangement!
xo Anne